Development And Consulting In Materials, Coating Processes And Applications From Laboratory And Prototype Status To Field Testing And Series Production

One of our highest values lies in our ability not only to provide three consistent pillars of CMT (coating development, metallography and tribology), but also to offer consulting services and know-how in:

Als einer unserer höchsten Werte haben wir nicht nur drei gleichartige Säulen in der CMT (Coating-Entwicklung, Metallographie und Tribologie), sondern bieten zusammen mit unserem vereinten Know-how auch Beratungsdienste an:

  • Determination of the mechanical and physical properties of materials.
  • Investigation of the failure and wear mechanisms in order to propose suitable materials.
  • Consulting and R&D services in the fields of "coating, metallography and tribology".
  • Scaling of the tribosystems from the application to the lab and vice versa. In addition, we can perform wear and friction analysis of materials under "real-world" operating conditions, e.g. at elevated temperatures, high relative speeds and high local surface pressures.
Consulting Service